Golf de Raray

Paris, France

Golf de Raray

Set in the grounds of a stunning chateau, this long flat woodland course provides a real test of French golf. Carved out of dense forest, it offers a tough challenge. The wide generous fairways and large greens allow you plenty of room to manoeuvre the ball. There are six par fours over 400 yards, which make this a test of stamina as well as skill.


Golf de Raray Rue de Nicolas de Lancy Raray France 60810

We apologise, this venue is unavailable with Golfbreaks at this time

While we no longer offer this venue at Golfbreaks at this present time, you can speak to one of our Sales Specialists for a similar venue and find something that is perfect for you. We will try our upmost to suit the needs of your next golf break.

Open today 9am - 3pm